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Success Stories

Success Stories2013: a year of success!

We thank our customers who have placed their trust in Wiicom for the professionalism and simplicity of the products.

Select the fields of application to see the applications in which our products are used.

Title of application Description
Wires cutting on welders remote control system (RS485) We make wire cutting of a welder keyboard previously connected with a wire by RS485. A Compact-S and a Compact-CS has been applied on two sides and interfaced with a transceiver 485. Both keyboard software system and welder control software have not been modified. An "ad-hoc" wi-fi connection is used.
Wires cutting on weaving machines for control and monitoring (RS485) The keybard and the display of a weaving machine could be remotely connected with a RS485 by a cable. A Compact-S module is instelled on the control system serial port RS485. The customer develops its own software to manage and control data for weaving machines of the same type. Then we can use the "infrastructure" wi-fi connection, already present into the factory.
Control of digital signals and actuators (digital and analog signals) Our compact modules have been implemented in industrial machines that exibit digital or analog signals. Our Compact module has been accompanied by an electronic circuit to the remote control of the machines. In this case it was resolved the "phisical wires and connection problem" in a big factory by using wireless connection, like Wiicom wi-fi embedded modules.
Control of monitoring values of pneumatic valves (UART) We integrate a Compact-S-UART in the industrial field of pneumatic valves (under air pression) to monitor working parameters. OEM develops a tablet application and a departmental management system to store data originated by all valves and control valves efficiency in real-time. In this case it's beel solved the wiring problem in a big factory using wi-fi infrastructure already present in it.
Control and data transmission on CLOUD of a weighing system (UART) Our Compact-CS could be installed in a weighing system on board an industrial vehicle to transmit data to a cloud system. First it makes the vehicle connect automatically to the network when it's near an area equipped for weighing. On the other hand cloud system is located in internet.

Title of application Description
Control and monitoring on an automotive Canbus network (CANBUS) A Compact-S-CAN has been integrated into an automotive control unit to check and control some parameters over a CAN-Bus network (testing in progress). A system integrator is developing a tablet application and a management software to store all data from the ECU and to evaluate some working parameters.
Control and data transmission on CLOUD of a weighing system (UART) Our Compact-CS could be installed in a weighing system on board an industrial vehicle to transmit data to a cloud system. First it makes the vehicle connect automatically to the network when it's near an area equipped for weighing. On the other hand cloud system is located in internet.
Control and monitoring on an automotive Canbus network on electri vehicle (CANBUS) A PWR-F-CAN-B has been integrated on electric vehicle to detect the operating parameters of the batteries to recharge them. The user developed APP for Personal Device (tablet and smartphone).
Planning, control and monitoring of a tracking system on vehicle (UART) On fleet management system, our module (UART) has been integrated on the control unit of localization on board a vehicle. The Wi-Fi communication is exploited for the programming, control and monitoring unit.

Title of application Description
Control and monitoring of heating and air conditioning (UART) In the hot&cold sector some OEMs have integrated our Compact-S to monitor and control the heat and the air conditioning by wi-fi. This is mainly suggested to cold storages, heating and air conditioning industrial systems.
Wi-Fi tags to monitor environmental temperature and humidity With our Compact-S we can produce wi-fi tags to misure environmental temperature and humidity. They are battery powered with a life longer than one year, transmitting environmental data periodically (as the customer likes) to a cloud system.
Wi-Fi control and monitoring of fireplaces and stoves (UART) A manufacturer of fireplaces and stoves have used our modules (UART) on a top of the range line. In this way, he has generated interest in its customers by integrating the heating system in domotic system of the house.

Title of application Description
Data transmission and control on marine systems (UART) A Compact-S has been integrated into a new control system of boat (yacht), to introduce wi-fi functionalities. OEM develops a tablet application to monitor and control navigation systems. As usual an "ad-hoc" password is used to protected the wi-fi connection.

Title of application Description
Wi-Fi tags for logistic system and localization monitoring With our Compact-S-UART we can create wi-fi tags to manage the reservation call of semi-finished products on the beginning of production line. On the tag there could be industrial "mushroom type" buttons and leds. Customer develops a software to manage prenotations on production line. this system optimizes the trailer movements into the factory.

Title of application Description
Data transmission and control on electromedical systems (UART) A Compact-S has been integrated into a new control system on electromedical machine, to introduce wi-fi functionalities. OEM develops a application to see diagnostic video and control systems. As usual an "ad-hoc" password is used to protected the wi-fi connection.
Data transmission and control on electromedical systems (UART)  Application under constraint NDA.