802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi uncovered module, CAN Analyzer, trasmitter CAN Bus to Wi-Fi, CAN 2.0 high speed (H-L), Client/Server type, CAN Bus transceiver
Ordering Code: PWR-F-S03-CS [add_to_cart sku=PWR-F-S03-CS]
PWR-F-CAN-CS is a client / server type Wi-Fi uncovered module equipped with a CAN Bus transceiver in order to be connected to a Can Bus host machine.
All data read from CAN Bus network will be available on Wi-Fi in a open format XML or CSV, for a better integration into customer own software like mobile and web applications.
PWR-F-CAN-CS can be used as CAN Analyzer on Wi-Fi. In other words Wiicom brings CAN Bus on Wi Fi in a easy, secure and immediate way. The module is ready to be boxed.
In order to enable communications V2X, PWR-F-CAN-CS supports both connection-type ad-hoc and infrastructure. The first is highly suited to applications Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) or Vehicle to Mobile (V2M), while the second is able to manage communications Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I).
The module is equipped with a board that contains a power supply (voltage between 7 and 28Vdc) and the CAN Bus transceiver.
Messages of CAN BUS network are trasmitted on Wi-Fi and they can be manage in XML, CSV from which the native format can be rebuilt.