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Panorama d’Italia: Wiicom among the excellence

8 April 2017 Photo: The meeting “Business excellence of the territory confronted” in Turin on the occasion of Panorama d’Italia – April 7, 2017 – <Sergio Lugiano – journalist>

The entrepreneurial fabric in Turin is rich in both traditional and innovative skills. But to make possible not only survival but growth and in many cases internationalization there is a common denominator: human capital.

The eight entrepreneurs gathered in Turin from Panorama d’Italia for the Round Table “Business Excellencies in Comparative Territory” agreed.

For Paolo Landolfo, Wiicom‘s entrepreneur, “It’s important to find young people who have studied before falling in love with money!” For Guido Gobino, a renowned brand in quality chocolate, “human capital is, and is good, in our territory. We must be able to curse, empower, dream, with an interesting project … surely many young people can give us so much. “

Paolo Pininfarina emphasizes “that there was a big problem of generational passage. Unfortunately, Fornero’s law has slowed the turn-over in the company: but the road is apprenticeships. ” Even for Carla Venesio, young manager of the Bank of Piemonte, having always focused on young people has been a very satisfying choice, while for Simona Rizzon, of Cobat Cerri Point, “our luck has been that we have always been able to enter our People who wanted to work. “

Wiicom tra le Eccellenze presenti a Panorama d'Italia il 7 Aprile 2017

Wiicom tra le Eccellenze presenti a Panorama d’Italia il 7 Aprile 2017

Edoardo Cavagnino, owner of the well-known brand “Gelati Pepino 1884“, “our latest growth was also due to the fact that the average age had dropped significantly”.

Finally, Gianfranco Carbonato, the world’s leading technology leader, Prima Industrie, with 1,700 employees, of which 100 in 25 countries around the world, says: “Human capital for all companies is a real asset of indispensable assets. The real value. For us it is particularly important, then, because we are a technology intensive company. “

There are good Wiicom technology stories – which “interconnect” objects, according to the paradigms of the Internet of Things – or the Bank of Piedmont, which has managed to grow in the crucial years of the crisis, turning them into an opportunity.