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Partner Ismosys

Ismosys (International Sales, Marketing and Operations System) is the principal trading division of the pan-European Spectrum Electronics Group, an organisation founded in 1994 to provide ultra-efficient sales, marketing and operations support to customers on behalf of leading-edge  component manufacturers.

Ismosys offers a new approach to the sales channel, combining traditional representation services with multiple added value services that include design & manufacturing partners and specialised fulfillment.

Above all Ismosys strives to deliver exactly what the customer requires at any stage of the product – or company – development cycle.
Operating from local offices located throughout Europe, Ismosys meets the demands and challenges of today’s technological marketplace by providing customers with unparalleled access to technology, information and service.

The Ismosys field sales force possess extensive experience in Engineering, Sales, Marketing and Applications support gained through long service in the electronics industry. Customers throughout Europe rely on their local Ismosys team  to provide the level of support they need and deserve in the very dynamic and demanding European markets.

Find your local Ismosys team here.
Head office: Tel: +44 1869 278743; Fax: +44 1869 278896


See also the Wiicom page on the Ismosys website.

Sales & Support ISMOSYS Locations:

  • Benelux
  • Central Europe
  • France
  • Iberia
  • Israel
  • Italy
  • Nordic
  • Turkey
  • UK & Ireland