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Innovation Day 2014

On September 25, 2014 Wiicom exhibits its products at Innovation Day 2014 – Innovation in business and technology.

The Innovation Day, dedicated to innovation in electronics, organized by the magazine selection of Electronics, aims to create a direct contact with current and future drivers of innovation, in particular designers, universities, research centers, spin -offs and start-ups.
It provides participants with a comprehensive overview of the most innovative technology trends taking place in the electronics industry and in particular the applications dedicated to the Internet of Things.

The day is divided into different moments:

  • an exhibition area with desk shell scheme, they are presented by suppliers, research centers, universities and start-ups, the latest technological innovations;
  • a morning plenary session with the round table, dedicated to innovative technologies for the Internet of Things, in which we compare the leading industry experts (program);
  • the award of the Innovation Design Contest 2014, where they will be rewarded with the best electronic projects made by students
  • 4 afternoon sessions of workshops that follow a specific theme path;
  • the award of the Innovation Award 2014 which will be awarded to the year’s most innovative electronic products..

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