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EPoSS General Assembly 2014 – We expect you to the Forum

eposs_quadrata From 24 to 26 September 2014 Wiicom exhibits its products at EPoSS General Assembly, Annual Forum & Engagement Day 2014.
EPoSS brings together European private and public stakeholders in order to coordinate and to bundle efforts and to set-up sustainable structures for improving the competitiveness of European R&D on Smart Systems Technologies and their integration.
In combination with the EPoSS Engagement Day, this event is a unique opportunity for all those involved in the European Smart Systems Integration Ecosystem to:

  • meet with key representatives from industry, research, education, finance & funding, as well as from PPP and cluster management organisations and from public authorities,
  • engage with a fine variety of Smart Systems aficionados to put your ideas into practice,
  • exchange experiences in the conception, design, prototyping, manufacturing and application of Smart Systems.

Link to EPoSS website